Mother Nature
When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money
What do we mostly do when we say we want to secure a good future for our offspring? Do we invest in big houses and apartments, so our children would have a wealthy heritage? Do we open a bank account in their name and stash it with lots of cash, so they have an excellent financial start-up when they grow up? Or do we merely teach the children to socialise more aggressively, then stay connected to people who could play an essential role in their professional development?
We may be doing some or all of those things, but it doesn’t matter if we don’t secure a better ENVIRONMENT for them.
We’ve all seen people throwing their cigarette butts out the car window, burrowing them into the beach sand, throwing plastic bags around because “there’s no trash bin around”, right? Egocentric nature prevents those people from thinking about the future beyond their life span. The older they get, the worse those habits become. So why don’t we ask ourselves a simple question:
If we live forever, would we enjoy living in our self-inflicted ruins?
I’ve been trying to circle my life around this paradigm for a while now. What my wife and I have learned from our friends from India is an essential part of their philosophy. You don’t have to live up to the standards of everybody else at all cost! Do you make less money than your surrounding? That’s okay! Live a simpler life. You don’t have to have a lot of money to live happily. Try spending less only on worth stuff, and you’ll see. Do you know why minimalism makes people happier? Because they declutter not only their possessions but also their minds! By having less, you maintain less. Nature only wants you to have vitamins! Because, you know … they are vital. Not cars, not apartments, not rich heritage! You can have vitamins just by planting a seed or two.
Unfortunately we have to fight peer pressure. Your child goes to a social environment, where every other kid has the “cutting edge” technology! Your child feels left out. When I was the child in that play, my parents thought me the value of things and whether they are of real value to me. Because everybody should be taught that valuable things are not things that put you above others, but things that bring common value.
Sitting outside on a slightly windy sunny day, holding a book in my hand, feels way more comfortable to me than having a Spa session at a 5-star hotel. And it doesn’t cost me anything to do it. And it benefits me.
I highly recommend anybody who still hasn’t, to watch one of my favourite videos regarding this topic.
Stuff is even made out at the cost of innocent animals. Now it’s worth mentioning that they don’t owe us anything! Humans have an egocentric way of thinking that a human being’s life is more deserving than an animal’s one.
If an animal’s life is less deserving because of a shorter lifespan, does that make us less worthy than turtles?
If it’s because of our intellectual superiority, does that make people with potential intellectual problems lesser species?
Nothing can give us back something of the same value as nature does. And I hold back on destroying things that I don’t even know how to rebuild. Why even destroy when there’s so much to create?
So now, what’s that dream house that you want you and your children to live in?
Let’s start building it right away!