How I fell in love with words

Mihail Dimitrov
2 min readJul 5, 2019


A few years ago, I was struggling with finding the right solution of where to get quality information about the surrounding, having its authenticity and clarity at the same time. We live in times where we cannot wholly submerge into a radio-shadow and pretend that nothing is going on around us, neither it’s good for our emotional health to count only on the news broadcast programmes which tend to damage our overview and wide angle on the information we receive.

Gathering information from Social Media

I always consider first checking out the primary source of anything I have on my mind. If it’s a product — check its website. If it’s a technology — check its documentation. If it’s an activity — check its Facebook page and social impact. But social media is not impartial — it’s merely a network widely connected to marketing, helping us discover new things, not getting us an objective overview of their essence. Quite often advertisements take us to pages of products or services that may not be of interest to us. I come to this conclusion while reading the comments sections and noticing two significant groups of people: the ones that have no idea how they got here and sometimes even make fun of that product or service, and the sceptical type who settle on “how would that even work” without being fully informed.

Gathering information from unbiased sources

About a year ago, I had an unfortunate series of jumping from one job off to another. That was an intense period in which I frequently had to switch directions of knowledge areas and quickly catch up on new things. That is the time I discovered the Medium platform. I found my chunks of information which were right to the point, written objectively and offering a broader perspective from people who knew what they are doing on that specific piece of information. A place to come to get information more so than any funny remarks or hate speech.

As of the moment of these two observations, one thing got stuck on my mind: why would I start expressing all these things now, when all my life I’ve mostly been an introvert? Because every state of mind needs only one correct key to get unlocked or locked away. In my case, the key that made the impact was the fabulous cocktail of well-backed knowledge, carrying healthy emotional charges and motivation. That’s the magical love potion towards written words, and we all know — love conquers all!



Mihail Dimitrov
Mihail Dimitrov

Written by Mihail Dimitrov

I am a software developer with many passions, the largest one being life itself!

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